The idea to wireless charge the mobile device but to charge the device, the transmitter itself requires to get charge. So I came up with idea to connect laptop charger to power the transmitter and along with laptop is require. Follow step show the how it works
Step 1: DC-DC converter makes voltage level favorable to transmitter side and from my laptop specs, it provides upto 19.6v, which is way more required, so I use step down dc-dc converter.

Power Source
Step 2: Add additional wiring so that charging coil can read upto back of laptop (which will not distrub, while using laptop) and I have also used two way sticky mobile holder to keep mobile phone close as possible with transmitter coil.

Transmitter Coil
Step 3: Receiver coil will be attached with mobile phone, using a cover and USB port, so that no additional circuitry is required in mobile.

Receiving Coil
Once power up, Mobile with get require charge from existing laptop charger.
the following step can also be visualized in the picture below

Wireless Charging Solution
I hope you enjoy the project